Originally Posted by lnchbx13
my guess is because they are comparing it to a GSM Diamond which is 3mm smaller than the CDMA diamond...that would make it seem like such a difference. I've seen it next to the CDMA Diamond and the Sprint Mogul before and it is slightly smaller, plus it just looks so much sleeker, I cant wait to buy the pro and sell my sprint diamond on ebay...my wife doesn't care though, we both switched from the mogul to the diamond, and she would rather have a smaller phone...i want the slide out and the sd slot
i do understand your point about having an SD slot, which it was a mistake not having it on the diamond. but to me there's no need to have a bulkier phone than the diamond and 4gb is enough for me. have all the software, including mp3z, photos, and igo8 (with eastern usa maps) still have left 3gb free space which i still don't know what to do with it.