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Old 10-05-2008, 11:25 AM
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Re: Most interesting free Diamond apps Downloads here.

Sensory Overload

see the video in action here:

A few days ago I published the Managed OpenGL ES wrapper. As a proof of concept, I went so far as to create a simple game for the HTC Touch Diamond that utilizes the G-Sensor, Nav Sensor, and the 3D hardware capabilities of the device. The end result is a simple "Asteroids" type game I call Sensory Overload.
The game is simple:
  • Move the ship by tilting the device.
  • Don't run into an asteroid.
  • Blow up the asteroids into tiny pieces.
  • When an asteroid spawns (it will be faded out), you have 5 seconds to get away from it before it can hurt you.
  • Rotate the Nav sensor clockwise to fire a bullet.
  • Rotate the Nav sensor counter clockwise to fire a spray of bullets. You can only use this special ability once every 5 seconds.
  • Asteroids spawn every 15 seconds.
This is mostly intended as a demo or proof of concept to provide other developers starting ground to create their own amazing games for the HTC Touch Diamond.
Known Bugs:
  • Small asteroids are hard to explode. The bullets travel "through" them between repaints, so they never actually collide. I may fix this in the future.
Click here to download the full source to Sensory Overload.
Click here to download the Sensory Overload CAB file to play the game.

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