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Old 10-05-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

It is too early for final conclusions, but I think that preliminary conclusions can be drawn, based upon the information that has already been provided. After all, 5 phones is a pretty small subset of the universe of Diamonds. As they say, YMMV. For my device, I find the conclusions below conform to my actual results.

Phone On
Data On but NOT transmitting, receiving
Bluetooth Off
Wifi Off

One should expect 4+days on standby. This must be adjusted for the actual talk/data time during that period. In my case, I have observed about 20% discharge per hour of talk/data time. The 20% is anecdotal, based upon the general observation of my device over the last week.

Phone On
Data On but NOT transmitting, receiving
Bluetooth On, but NOT paired
Wifi Off

Bluetooth On, but not paired, appears to draw on 4Ma. This would reduce expected battery life on standby to 3+ days. Again, adjusted for actual talk/data time. However, once the device is actually paired, battery consumption goes up (in my case, way up). I am exploring this further today to see if different paired earpieces consume the battery at different rates.

Phone On
Data On but NOT transmitting, receiving
Bluetooth On and Paired
Wifi Off

Not enough data to draw a conclusion.

Phone On
Data On but NOT transmitting, receiving
Bluetooth Off
Wifi On

Not enough data to draw a conclusion.

General Observations
If the Diamond will be used primarily for talk/data and you do not need BT, turn off BT and Wifi. You should get 4+ hours of talk/data, 4+ days of standby, or some combination of the two.

If BT is needed (i.e. paired continuously), results will vary, but discharge rate will go up. Hopefully more data will become available.

Wifi - only a guess, based upon limited data. I suspect that Wifi On is similar to talk/data time and will discharge the battery almost a quickly as talking for 4+ hours. So having the Wifi radio on will limit battery life to 4+ to 6+ hours.

Last edited by cappy; 10-05-2008 at 11:40 AM.
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