Originally Posted by marcjen
Phone was at 15% by 7:30pm, I unplugged from power @ 9:30am.
Doesn't seem much different than actually using it. (minus excessive data and/or BT). I did get a couple voice mails I had to check along with texts and some emails (Activesync and AUTD run).
It literally sat there and did nothing most of the day and it STILL can barely manage a 12 hour run.
Tomorrow I'm going to turn the data connection off and see if there's any difference in life. I will also minimally use it.
Marcjen, see the Bluetooth comments in the my last post. I left Bluetooth On yesterday, without pairing, and found a huge difference. Today, I will conduct the same test, but also pair the device. The huge discharge may be in the pairing. We may also find that the discharge rate varies, depending upon what the device is paired to.