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Old 10-05-2008, 03:25 AM
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All Canadian Weather Cities/Towns

OK, I live in a small town in Northern Alberta and thought that it would be nice to have my town in the weather tab, so I decided to go all out and delete everything and start fresh with a All Canadian weather list! I only have about 80 cities/towns in here but will add as the requests come in. No hamlet is too small.

All you have to do is dump the HH_0409_WeatherCities file into your windows directory on your phone. I like Resco File Explorer. Soft-reset your phone and you're in business.

If you are having problems, you may need to patch HTC Home for all of the patches, go here:

Big Thanks to conflipper for laying the groundwork for me to build on.

Here is the weather file:
If I was able to help, remember to press the Thanks button in the bottom of my post.
BRB, I gotta flash again.

ROM: DarkRoot

Last edited by Rabid_Gypsy; 10-05-2008 at 05:38 PM.