Re: [09/16/08] JUICY ROM v1.1
i was on xda-developers and i couldn'tfind a post like that. i was following their bible page, but i guess it was not compatible for the cdma version.
so if i do these steps i should be fine:
syn the pc with diamond, with at least 50% battery.
run the unlocker, and wait till that flashes, following all thesteps accordingly.
then soft reset, the button behind, where the battery is.
then do i need to flash the latest juicy rom 2.3 telus, or do i need to do 1.1 first and then 2.3
and once the rom flashing is complete, do i need to relock it, or just leaeve it?
last time i tried it, i put hardspl 057 from here, then started flashing the juicy 2_2 telus rom, it got to 40% and then just screwed me up.