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Old 10-04-2008, 09:53 AM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

Originally Posted by tg1.0 View Post
What we should do is test our actual running times with different hardware usage. I've already done three tests. I don't have a lot of time right now, so I will just post a quick summary.

Full backlight + WiFi, 258 mA: Down to 20% in 5:39.
Full backlight + WiFi + GPS, average of 464.33 mA: Down to 20% in 2:59.
Full backlight + All radios + GPS, 535 mA: Down to 20% in 2:30.

(All other hardware, including the cellular radio, was off unless I stated otherwise.)

If you do the math, you'll see that my battery actually lasts a little longer than it should! However, this is assuming that the calculated (not sensed) discharge current values are accurate.
A good suggestion, but I will find it hard to allocate time to do all three. I have just embarked upon a different test, in hopes of pinning down why my Bluetooth connection draws so much power. The Ma readings tell me that I should not lose 10% per hour when Bluetooth is On. So my plan is to turn all radios off except Phone and Bluetooth. I will not pair the Bluetooth during the test and I will monitor the discharge rate periodically by turning the screen on. If I receive any calls during the test period I can adjust for that because I have learned to expect a discharge due to phone use of approximately 20% per hour. At the end of an 8 hour period, I will have learn something, I hope. The phone is charging now.
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