Re: 2D manilla on apache?
yes and I noticed the kitchen manila files had the "ManilaCompatibleSharedDLL" files aleady added into it and ran as good as ver 08 manila.
Some grafics were missing such as the envelope for messages/text.
I am going to compare to latest version manila as soon as I figure out best OSbuild and pagepool settings...
Using the lastest album, album video, audio manager and opera files works best for me.
Even though I am using kitchen version manila2D files.. I had to edit it, to not include kitchen album files..
I made new oem, but you could just as easily edit XML & delete the three folder "elements" that are named "require" so it doesn't automatically load the kitchen OEMs : album, audio manager & google maps into rom...
Google maps is same but album & audio manager are older.
If you dont have an XML editor, google free prog "MindFusion XML Viewer"