Originally Posted by rainfreak
The password protected wifi router has nothing to do with it. As long as you can connect via wireless and confirm your wireless connection by browsing the Internet, then you are connected to the network.
I can about 99% guarantee you that the issue is a setup problem on your PC.
ok so for the life of me this won't work... nice thing is it works when it connected via usb cable and the sound DOES come through the phone and not comp if i want it too! I want to use this so i can stream pandora.com when i'm in my car (battery is not an issue since i have it charging in the car)
i'm about ready to just format my laptop and redo it all to get this right! Haven't had this comp long and don't have much at all on it, so i might as well just save it to a disk reformat.
I'm not that great with computers so maybe i messed somethin up since i've had it? could that be it?