Originally Posted by Chef Ben
Stock ROM but I've installed/modified the following:
- Audiopara3
- PPC Geeks NoSentMessageHack
- CodyPPC BatteryAndPerformanceHack
- NisseDILLIGAF NoCurtains
- NisseDILLIGAF SprintTransparentClock
- Zuinige Rijder Rick StylusLock
- Tobey's TomTom 7
- Kaisoft Bubble Level
- markuz Saber
- cgeboers DiamondCubeF
Other programs I've installed that I seriously doubt had any affect are: - Google Maps
- PHM Registry Editor
- Total Commander
- .NET CF 3.5
Stylus lock! awesome. been looking for something like that. I love it. Thats why I want some kind of master list of available .cabs kinda like what this could become...