Originally Posted by tenthirty2
"Actually, alltel, sprint and Verizon ONLY activate phones from within their own pool of ESN's.. It's been that way for YEARS. The only way to get another carrier's phone activated with these companies is if you have someone on the inside who can manually add an ESN to their database... "
Wrong, you said the ONLY way. Not the only way, for example, my old man has Alltel, and while their "policy" may be to only activate phones from within their own pool of ESN's, their system does not automatically lock them out. My dad wanted to hook up my Verizon i730 on his Alltel account. I manually programmed the phone for him, uploaded an Alltel PRL, and had him give Alltel my Verizon i730's ESN. Activated no problem, and we didn't have anyone on the inside. But try to take that same i730 to a physical store and have a rep there do what I did, and they'll tell you they can't do it. Did the same thing for my sister's Alltel account with an old Verizon 6700 I had. So again, not the "only" way...
1. If that's true, it goes against everything I've ever heard from other folks experiences. I'm not calling you a liar, but you are definitely the exception to the rules, based on stories I've heard.
2. Wasn't your point in your first post that I wouldn't be able to activate the phones on a competing service? If so, aren't you now contradicting that point?
I'm not flaming, I'm genuinely confused what poing you're tryng to get across...