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Old 05-07-2007, 12:32 AM
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Shouldn't be a problem!

All i had to was start internet sharing and connect it to my pc (same one i sync my 6700 with). after the network connection is established and the device has dialed #777, the computer browses with no problems. (rev0 at the moment) looks like there will be no NAI block on this device.

very much like our 6700s that have aku 3.3 and up with internet sharing.

As far as pricing....Sprint data plan prices blow VZ out of the water. But when you look at tethering (aka Phone as modem) then it comes back into balance as VZ only charges $15 extra a month while Sprint charges $39.99 extra month.

Sprint does NOT charge 39.99 EXTRA. They just change your $15 plan to a $39.99 plan that includes unlimited data for your device and whatever you connect it to. however they will only support your pc. lol.

but no worries... it looks like just a standard $15 is all your going to need for the 6800. can't guarantee that won't change but i do not expect it.

can't wait to get my real one! I am a bit jealous Telus got them first.
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