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Old 10-02-2008, 12:15 AM
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Re: Diamond_C CDMA SSPL and HardSPL package is here now!

Originally Posted by ducylowycz View Post I think I feel a little stupid, maybe you guys can help me out. I followed the directions to the "T" I have also tried different computers with different operating systems, I have tried updating from bootloader mode only and copying manual spl to my device..NONE OF IT WORKS FOR ME!!! If I try and do it through activesync all I get is 0% and an error...If I try to do it from bootloader mode-0% and an error...running manual spl on my device and all that happens is my device freezes!!! So what exactly am I doing wrong I have been racking my brains on this for a little over a day now. I have tried searching these forums and the forums and xda along with google with NO results.

freeze seems to be the problem, try a hard reset. but as this seems to be an old post, I can only hope you've managed to resolve the issue since then
Main device: Athena (x7500)

Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

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