Originally Posted by Curb71
oh....my computer doesnot have a password. and I dont want it to. that means I cant have remote desktop unless I create a password for my dekstop?
Also do I have to be on Wifi for this to work or would I be able to access my desktop from down the street on the EVDO network?
Must have password.
You can access your computer from down the street. Except you have to have your external IP address. Go to IPChicken.com to find it out.
Also, to connect to your computer using the wifi network it's attatched to, you can use the internal IP which should be something like
[for example, my external is is 98.213.146.xx] DON'T TRY TO FIGURE OUT THE LAST 2 NUMBERS! [and my internal is]
It helps to get a static IP for both internal and external [it may cost money to get one from your ISP]