Originally Posted by xholmezx78
well I got my XV6700 replaced not to long ago. I attempted to flash my 6700 when I was connected to my vista box, and bricked my phone. I was actually trying to use the Apache update from Verizon's site, which is the AKU 2.2 update. Well I was unable to revive my phone, so I called VZW and walked through several hard resets which failed to fix the issue. Well they sent me an FRU (field replament unit) and I was up and running.
You may be able to leverage this to get the new XV6800 by using the rule of 3 failures. If you have the warranty, and your phone is defective 3 times with in 3-6 months, they will replace your phone. Usually that means a similar device, or they will give you a newer model for the 2yr contract price regardless of your contract status. Becareful sometimes the reps will renew your contract to get credit for a new sale or renewal.
Well the only thing wrong with this and before we all go burning up blowing up and screwing up our handsets is SPRINT DOSENT HAVE ANY MORE IN THE WAREHOUSE!!!!!!! so if you break it your going to get a Treo 700p or a Treo 700wx in replacement they also may give you a Motorola Q so dont chance it