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Old 05-06-2007, 02:52 PM
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jendand: I do not know if the order can really be changed outside of forcing the vc to be loaded for everyone as I could only see a difference when I set the start order for first boot. Maybe you should try mapping the vc to button 5 but leave it out of startup. That way after a soft reset, you would only need to hit the button to start it and get it running resident. Also if you forgot to get it running resident, you could always get it to run by pressing it twice.. just thinking aloud right now, but that would get you past the issue. The only other thing would be to do a custom rom adding the vc to the intifiles and the exe to the rom then re-package it. this would allow your startup order to match mine. But again that would require you to build a custom rom.

In the event you want to try the custom, here is what I have in the initfiels dat for startup:

; Startup Folder
Directory("\Windows\StartUp"):-File("CheckAutoRun.lnk","\Windows\CheckAutoRun.lnk ")
Directory("\Windows\StartUp"):-File("Voice Command.lnk","\Windows\Voice Command.lnk")
Directory("\Windows\StartUp"):-File("ClearTemp Startup.lnk","\Windows\ClearTemp Startup.lnk")

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