Hate to report this guys, but my diamond had a meltdown.
Started by talking on it for about 45 minutes. Went from that call to another call, for about 35 minutes, to one more call right after that for about 60 minutes.
At this point my phone was hotter than it ever has been. But after hangingn up from the last call.
Went on the net for about 25 minutes. I started with a full charged battery, after these 3 calls and internet surfing.
The battery was at about 40 percent. At this time the phone was extremely hot.
I set it on my desk which is a stone top, like I do most if the time, so it could cool down a bit.
This time when I picked it up it was still extremely hot. I turned it on, and the battery was at 10 percent.
So I shut the phone completely off and I recharged it. Couple hours later I turned it on, I didn't do any activity on the phone what so ever.
And in less than 2 hours the battery was dead. I removed the battery and exchanged it with my other diamond battery.
(I have 2 of them.) Which was fully charged, with doing no activity what so ever. Less than 2 hours this battery was dead also.
Took it to my sprint service center. Explained what happened. The tech thinks something internal with the radio went wrong.
But he's not sure. I called sprint tele sales, and their next day airing one out to me.
Though this happened to me. I hop this is an isolated incident. And that our diamonds are not plagued with an over heating problem.
Thanks T M Z