Thread: No scroll wheel
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Old 09-30-2008, 07:47 PM
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Re: No scroll wheel

I find it surprising that so few people use the scroll wheel. I can palm the phone in one hand and run through menus and lists selecting items quickly. I also know how many 'clicks' it is to get to many functions without looking at the device. (OK, down two clicks, Select and my calendar is open... OK, down 3 clicks, Select... PocketCM is open... scroll wheel down to the contact name... Select twice to dial... OK button on the side closes almost any screen...) To me it's an indispensable interface.

A few have mentioned that TouchFlo replaces the wheel however what if you decide to disable it? The 'switch to landscape' issue with covering over your notification messages when you open the keyboard looks to be quite annoying and after a few times is going to inspire removal of TouchFlo. I guess it depends what you use the device for but I prefer to take out much of the "bling" and get down to the core of Windows Mobile on a quick device with lots of memory and a great res screen. I tend to remote desktop into servers with my current device and I am looking forward to the larger screen for this purpose. When you take the device back to its core OS I suspect the lack of a decent scroll/select/ok wheel becomes more of an issue. Also on the web browser I hear the 'dial' zooms a page and doesn't scroll it. How do you one handed scroll a page without having to flick the screen? Without TouchFlo do I now have to drag my finger down the scroll bar?

Also the lack of an external camera button I've been hearing about looks to be annoying.

Don't get me wrong, I will upgrade anyhow for the aforementioned features (screen, RAM, speed, GPS) but usability wise I think far too much focus was placed on requiring an installed software GUI to manage the device and thus removing many standard interface options (like buttons) that would continue to make the device more well rounded. I like that on my P4000 I can open the camera with a button, move around with buttons, open the COM manager with a button. Lately it seems to be more design over function... seems to be a little too rampant in the mobile device world lately.

I will comment more once I see how I adapt to it.
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