Originally Posted by tk4223
The PRL you want to use is 30033. It uses networks in the following order; Alltel, Sprint, Verizon. 40036 is primarily a datacard PRL. There have been some issues that I have found with this PRL, I no longer show EVDO in my area either.
The problem is, 30033 does not let you use Sprints EVDO network. So you are stuck using sprints 1x. I want EVDO, as I need the speed when I tether. I just don't like dial up speeds... The issue is why did it change PRLs on its own? I do not live under a Alltel tower, only Sprint and Verizon, so I am unsure about it still being pushed to my phone. I want to put on the new 40038 but am unsure if Alltel will just push 30033 back to me. And if they relize thats what I am doing, give me crap about it. I believe this was just an automatic PUSH but didn't know they could do that when I am not using their towers. Has anyone else been pushed the new PRL?