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Old 09-30-2008, 01:44 PM
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Re: Sprint's 4G Xohm service to begin testing soon

Originally Posted by neodorian View Post
Edit: I'm surprised to see how many PPC Geeks are also Baltimorons like me
Welcome to Smalltimore, Hon.

I'm making it a point to wander over by DuClaw's during lunch the next couple of weeks. 2 Intel minivans with WiMax graphics, a Sprint minivan, and two of those tiny little Xohm carts were there. They thought ahead this time and brought a table so they wouldn't need to put all the laptops on the stone wall. They were just unloading stuff and I saw a hard case labeled "Xohm booth". I'm still bummed about the coverage vacuum in my neighborhood, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyways. Once they build out some more, I could see some good potential for our survey crews in the field for this.
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