Originally Posted by brettokok
Have been using my 6800 from alltel for a few months now and love it. Just have task manager, home customizer, slidelock and a few other easy things..
Looking for newer stock ROM dont know where to get one.. any help??
Current ROM - 2.14.671.3 date 8/20/07
radion version 1.4.00
I just read that the new stock ROM with GPS enabled is coming soon (whatever) soon means. You may want to wait. I have flashed my phone to the 3.35 Alltel ROM and am having no problems, but the reason that it was pulled from the Website is that they were having some sort of roaming problems with it. If you must have it, I'm sure its available here somewhere. I have the file, but have no idea how to get it to you, its 57MB.