hey quick q'stion, i just loaded slider_beta_2 and i'm watching the Space Avail: and the # next to it keeps going down everytime the animation on "slide to unlock" goes through. Is it only happening to me?
But everytime i exit the slider, there's no change in my memory, program space, and SD space.. *shrugs* idk...
I did realize that the slide is very chopy when it's sliding bak, and also the animation on the "slide to unlock" is also chopy... anyone else seeing this?
Again this all for the slider_beta_2 haven't tried the 3rd yet, i will tomorrow...
thanks again Andason... btw i would give u info on the battery, but i never really saw any prob. w/ it when i was using the slider, but i'll keep an eye out and c if i do see any heavy draining.