Re: Verizon VX6900, GPS won't work with Live Search or Google
I've built a server with Raid 0+1 from scratch. I've never worked as an IT guy, but all my friends and family call me to fix their computers and I've never come across a problem I couldn't fix. That being said, Dude, I've read all this stuff and there are plenty of holes in the descriptions, links and the units that the descriptions are refering to. So Dude, I don't think that the links you are referring to are all that informative. Allow me to give you some examples:
I have found a link to doing this regarding an HTC "Vogue", but after much searching, I seem to have determined, but cannot confirm that this is not my unit. I have not been able to confirm the label, that is my unit, with any complete accuracy. So if this is a close unit but not exact, what exactly must be changed? Especially if he insists the instructions must be followed to the letter.
I find downloads for Cab files that should install, yet don't and the instructions seem to contradict themselves.
I find links to the Verizon ROM, which I guess is my operating system, I still have not gotten affirmative confirmation on that, yet those links are bad. There are many links to ROM's that people have made on their own, yet no one seems to be able to tell me which work and which don't, or what all those programs added to those ROM's accomplish other than taking up space.
Sounds pretty easy to figure out? Huh, Dude?
Last edited by chunnel; 09-29-2008 at 11:38 PM.