Originally Posted by blazingwolf
Originally Posted by dennygun
works perfectly on my apache, download latest from XDA dev site, make it to oem, and wallahhh....I love my apache all over again...thanks for the info blazingwolf.
So are you saying that you baked it into a ROM with a kitchen? I created some oem's for my Helmi's_C and that was easy. But I don't want to go through all of this if it just runs slow. I did the cab and it showed up OK. Just didn't move with my fingers for a couple seconds. I took it off. Now this new dev. is interesting. Just wanted a clarification of your term "make it to oem".
edit. any links to a "read me" file for this. or description of baking as an oem in ppckitchen. I've baked before, just wanted a back-up instruction for this in case there was some different procedures. Also, honestly, is it slow? I noticed on the youtube video that there was a little hang-up leaving the today screen. after that it moved fairly fast. But I hate hang-ups bad (type A personality) Also, do you need to leave off almost everything else to get memory for this? And finally, which version of Opera will need to be included?
Actually, anybody have a ROM for this for the apache?????? I'd rather just do that