Verizon only knows because they make you think you need to use the VZ Access Manager software on the laptop. So the software on the laptop tells them your teathered, not the phone or the connection itself.
Moto Droid/Verizon Touch Pro 2 16GB microSDHC Mine
AT&T iPhone 3GS 32GB Black Hers
History:XV6850 WM6.5,PPC6850 WM6.5 on VZW,XV6850 WM6.1/Telus Radio,VZW Omnia,XV6900 WM6.1/GPS/RevA,XV6800 WM6.1/GPS/RevA,XV6700 WM6,Samsung i760,Moto Q9m,Moto Q,XV6700,VZW Treo 700WX,Treo 700W,Samsung i730,XV6600,Treo 650,Treo 600,Kyocera 7135