Originally Posted by PolloLoco
Actually - if you look up the specs for the 6700's processor, it was actually designed to run at 520 mhz. So stock - it's actually running UNDERclocked. Presumably to improve battery life.
I've been told some of the old 6700's could run up to 728. Mine runs great at 624 - I couldn't tell you why it works so well, I just decided to overclock based on all the user history.
For those of you that do not come from a Computer Hardware background, CPU and rated as a "certain speed CPU" depending on where it is safe and stable at. These are typically done in bulk.
When a CPU is rated that speed, it is rated that speed due to its peers, not its individual performance. (For those of you with a business management background, we know this is a BAD way to rate your employees or CPUs in this case)
The CPU is rated and then integrated at that speed. You probably have a 520MHz CPU in the 6700, but they decided to run it at 416MHz. That original 520MHz CPU was "rated" 520MHz due to its "peers" performance. Overclocking is irrelevant if you look at it like this, because you are really clocking your individual chip to where it is comfortable running at, not what it's peers are comfortable at.
Case and Point - You are going to be "safe" running your CPU at any speed, your job is just to determine what is stable. In the case of the 6700, you also need to come to a happy medium on Performance/Battery life as well.
*****Disclaimer: This by no means makes me liable for you burning up your 6700, though I don't think it will ever happen... I am not responsible. Perform any CPU related changes at your own risk.