09-28-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: Why all the fascination for TouchFlo 2D/3D?
Originally Posted by ScrapMaker
I guess what is so disheartening to me, is that applications like this seem to push us towards dumb(think i)phone capabilities.
I still think the coolest application ever made is GPSToday, which phototags every picture you take. Plus it shows how close you are to your nearest contact.
If there was a way, like it throttlelauncher, to put plugins on one of the "pages" or even if I could launch a "today" page from the launcher in tf2d, that would at least be usable.
Don't get me wrong, it's smooth, and pretty... but I already had YouTube that worked flawlessly with FLV, and Opera with the slider zoom on the right side of the screen, and quick access to my images...
Seems that the whole point of Manilla is to give you pretty little previews of a couple of things. Not really to enhance productivity or capabilty. -- but I'd be excited for someone to prove otherwise, because I do love the way it looks and feels...
basically, I need to customize it, like we could with HHC... and I need to build some more functionality into it before it's usable--for me, that is.
To deal with your plugin problem, try a little utility called "SecondToday". I read somewhere it works fine with Manilla. Good luck.