Originally Posted by Warlocklord
There has to be some kind of common trait that is causing this to happen. I started with the problem early on with Juicy 2.1 but now I seem to be getting about 15 hours out of my battery, although I still think that's not great considering the size of this battery in comparison to the Vogue.
Since the flash, I have turned off Location, I have turned off the auto-dimming feature, made the reg tweak for the ConnMgr planner cache from 600 to 60. I also had push email turned on for Windows Live.
Turned location on yesterday, got about 8 or 9 hours on battery. Turned push off for windows live, seemed to slow down the drain a bit. I think maybe some of the GPS tweaks or QuickGPS may be using the data connection to download satellites. Maybe there is a reg setting that can control how often that happens?
How long have you had your phone, perhaps the battery has been getting better with time. im going to test out the new 2.2 rom now and post results...