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Old 09-27-2008, 10:06 PM
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Re: Ringtones for Known and Unknown Callers

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
@ Juggalo - So it will work if we do it via regedit, however it is changing both Known and Unknown via the Sounds and Notifications control applet? If that is the case, can you tell me what I have to change in the reg to get the functionality temporarily, until we can get it working in the Sounds and Notifications applet?

Also, did you ever get a reg dump from one of our fellow geekers from a Mogul? If not, I have a friend in Texas who can (and happliy will) get us one...
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\KnownCallerR ing0]

Above sets ringer for Known callers in your contact list that DO NOT already have a custom ringer


Above sets ringer for calls receiver while roaming

Note: set up both keys the way you see it. change "Sound" to a different ringer file to change ring tone.

i wish i could get this to work with the "sounds and notifications" GUI

you may need to create the whole key or just some of the entries. also no space in KnownCallerRinger0. the forum just puts a space in there and i cannot stop it

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