foakgul: The "save to contacts" and "create a note" were fixed in PR6. They are a known bug in PR4 which is what it looks like you were running in the earlier post. I would REALLY recomend switching to PR6 as there were a number of issues corrected and features added. As to your othere issues, I would really get on PR6 and see if your still seeing them as they could also get fixed with the latest version.
On your black screen issue, this is the DSOD that you will see people talking about. It will happen from time to time, but should not happen too often, if at all if your luucky. Usualy this is casued by the SD card access not correctly waking up. Running apps (mainly system or long running programs) from the SD will add to this happening. Try running these from the internal memory as often as possible. I only put quick apps like games or data (docs, music, movies) to the sd at this point as the ROM easily leaves a lot of space on the internal memory to use and thus leave less chance of a dsod (keep the ie cache and system caches off the SD!!). I know in the release notes of the new kitchen that they are still seeing isssues with DSOD and they have been around since the first os release for the 6700, so unfortunatly it is not limited to this rom. I may see one every other week or so with heavy use. So in a nutshell get on PR6 and minimise the SD usage (or remove it temp.) and see if this clears up your issues. Then slowly add to the SD's usage and see if you can find the app that may be casuing the increased DSOD issue. Also make sure to do a corect hard reset prior and post PR6 install as this seems to be biting a few people, we just need to make sure the install is clean, then re-add your apps (do not restore a backup, activesync is fine) again it needs to not bring in your old reg and system settings as pr6 has new settings. This should get you to a GREAT starting point to troubleshoot any issue that may pop up afterwards if it does not fix them right out