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Old 09-26-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: Finally Skype works on Voque

Originally Posted by albertan View Post
You can bother the geeks at Skype till the cows come home but it should be obvious by now that they have no intention of servicing every make and model out there. They only concentrate on phones used in Europe and are not interested in the North American market at all.

I have called Skype several times and always get the same run-around. So... I did the next best thing.. I cancelled my account on e-Bay who now owns Skype as my protest and let them know why. I now use Nimbuzz instead and I am able to voice talk with others on MSN Messenger or others with Nimbuzz on their cell phone. Skype is out-of-date now anyway... there are better services coming soon from what I hear.
Thanks! Nimbuzz looks pretty promising considering that it support SIP.

However, for some reason I can seem to sign in. Actually I don't even think it's letting me register, after I click register it just sits there spinning the icon, but never completes.

Last edited by bobram; 09-26-2008 at 08:03 PM.