Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
its something simple i know it
i got the Unknowne and roaming in the sound list now. just every time you change the ringer it changes for all 3 ring types
Comparing the two keys in the Notifications registry key as below:
@="Phone: Known Caller"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{9339 5D1D-1E98-4784-9AD2-F236BE9BF32E}]
@="Phone: Unknown Caller"
The only real difference is the dword value for the PlmO key... known caller is 1 and unknown caller is 2. I am leaving work for now but I will be back online here in an hour or so and will check with you and see how far you got.
Thanks again for trying to figure this out.