Originally Posted by PDAPhoneJunkie
Oh...I assumed Sprint because your post said that. If you're on Cricket sMMS aint gonna work. It's only for Sprint.
yea, i found that out as well, my bad
so, now i have tried two versions of arcsoft, no dice
sMMs , nope.
tried to set up the phone with a cricket rom, from the kitchen with LennySh_19213 and WM6.1_20748 with the RUU set to standard, and to noid.
with sprint as the carrier it loads with noid and standard RUU. the 20748 was laggy on both loads with sprint as the carrier, and it was a very basic install with no extras other than the sMMs and then with arcsoft loaded.
SInce i was feeling masicistic i tried it with cricket as the carrier.
Standard RUU no dice
noid RUU loaded, got an IM error about the cert and lag
Since the lag was bad, i went back to the 19213 build
With standard for RUU and cricket as the carrier, it wouldnot load the rom.
With noid for the RUU and cricket as the carrier, it loaded but i got an im error tossing a wobbly about the cert not being vaild.
SO i am back to 19213 RUU set as standard and sprint as the carrier.
My buddy who fliped it from sprint to cricket suggested i change the bootloader. after googing for about 2 hours, reading just about every 6700 forum i could find.
so far the longest part of my process , minus cigarettes, has been re inputing the correct wap info.
If i have left out a detail, lemme know.