Originally Posted by Alexander323bc
I sometimes receive this message and sometimes i do not, its pretty odd. My first installation of TF was made my xv6800 move horribly slow!!!!!!!!!! after a hard reset and a reinstallation of tf as a single cab file everything is running perfect. Except for the occasional tap her to launch screen. I have not installed opera yet in hopes someone will figure out how to install skyfire in place of it, or opera mini. The post on page 1 didnt work for me i tried 3 times. i must keep doing something wrong.
bro ill have to look around for it because the threads are mving so fast. But there is a fix someone over at xda posted that works. I used it and yes the browser TF2D opens is skyfire. I also added some more favs listed under the browser icon. As far as being a memory hog. I don't I know ...I can run TF2D ,skyfire,sprinttv,email,musicplayer and still no problems. To me that preformance I would not link to being a system hog.