Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
I just wanted to throw this out there... Im sure I will get crucified for it though.
While there are many legitimate issues that Mogul users are experiencing, it sure seems that many people without any issues are trying to cash in and get a touch pro via ecare or retention. I would encourage you not to do this unless you truly have an issue. Sprint is struggling as a company right now and I would hate to see them fail. As loyal customers we need to do the right thing.
Sprint has a superior network to other carriers and superior devices. If we would like to continue to see this out of Sprint, they need to make money. Im not saying that Sprint shouldn't take care of its customers and help customers through issues. What I am saying is that we owe it to the company to show some restraint in our "consumerism". Part of the reason that our (the us) country is having such a difficult economic time is that Americans as a whole, consume more than we should and often try to live beyond our means. In the end, we are talking about a pretty small part of what is really important.
Before someone call me a hipocrit for capitalizing on Sprints mistake on my situation, I have since emailed ecare again to get clarification on the math. If I have to pay 299.99 so be it. Hopefully, Sprint can turn itself around, sell the iDen network, and become profitable once again.