Hello everybody, this is my first post so I'll begin to thanks all people who worked so hard to find solutions and tips and who share this knowledge with others. I read a lot and OMJ, you're my man! Hope you'll keep your Vogue a couple of months and we'll all enjoy our phones as long as you will own a Vogue!
... And allright for the QM's Return!
Kamikazyemt, I already experienced this problem and solved it by doing these simple steps:
1-##786#, Menu/Reset/Yes, reboot.
2-Flash with your OEM carrier's rom, let the customization runs.
3-Test your data connection, should work.
4-If you reflash with another carrier's rom, NEVER let the cust. runs!
Hope this will help you, otherwise you're welcome to talk about this in private to not bring/flood the forum with a side subject. Ciao!