DCD or anyone else willing to help,
Question, If I use WinCe Cab Manager to replace the dialpad images with my own, is there an additional step to get it to work. I tried this on another Blue frog Dialer, and everytime I loaded the Cab, after my phone reset itself, the Dialer wouldn't show. (Just a blank screen with only the "call history" and "back" buttons showing.) I'd have to go and manually replace each image in the Phoneskin folder, and soft reset. Any help would greatly be appreciated. I attempted to get answers from xda but haven't received an answer yet. Below is the link. If you think I'd have greater success, trying to replace the images in the cab/dialer that eb3604 created and you "cabbed-up," please say so. I added all the registry entries to hide numbers and text and etc, on the dialer that I had originally created, and because of the steps involved I hadn't tried it on this dialer yet.
Thanks in advance,
Attached is the dialer that I had tried to modify. (Just in case it helps)