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Old 09-25-2008, 07:03 AM
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Re: HOw to flash with less than 50% battery life?

I personally flash from SD, there are no checks and it is a lot faster than RUU. Just name the image you want to flash VOGUIMG.nbh and hold the camera button and the power button (if the phone is on, you will have to press the soft reset button, otherwise as long as you hold both buttons, it should load up the 3 color screen). I have about 3 nbh files on my SD card...the original ROM, the one I built (still tweaking), and a custom one I like. I havent had it delete my SD card yet and probably reflash every that is my opinion and Ive flashed with as little as 30% battery life, and even 0% but that was because there was an error with the battery file (meaning it actually had more life than 0%, but it would only show 0%...dont know how many people have had that problem, but it is annoying)
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