I'd like some advice.
So some of you may have seen me posting in here that I'm looking at the PPC-6700. I'm a Sprint user, and I've been looking to go to a PDA/PPC phone for a little while now, and that's the one I'd decided on. I suppose I'd like some input so I choose the right device. I'm a small business owner (the business is me :P) and want to consolidate my phone and contact management, etc into one phone.
My uses are:
Contacts, both phone and non-.
Light emailing.
Some text/SMS stuff.
I'd like to have a couple games, etc.
'Net browsing.
So based on that, I know that either the Treos, 6700 or 6800 would all do.. I guess I'm looking more for pros and cons here from people that use them.
Thanks for the help.