Originally Posted by Lsme420
I didnt do anything it just let me sign in. I must admit I'm not to happy with it. It has some cool new things but the version I've been useing for the last 6 months worked better.
I can tell you, as an alpha tester on this release the problems you're experiencing tonight are from the stress the servers and under from the massive number people upgrading at once and clogging the servers. Beta .80 is not intended to be a completed product, but a gradual evolution to what will eventually become Skyfire 1.0.
Performance wise this release is the fastest and most stable release to date-- with that said, give the sever congestion time to cool down and you'll see just how snappy a performer Skyfire has become. During the months of testing I've seen performance levels surpass Opera Mini with Skyfire during busy afternoon/evening hours when most people would be stressing the network. Just be patient...
If you have suggestions on how to improve the product send e-mail to
feedback@skyfire.com, trust me they listen and respond to constructive user feedback, that's partly how I became part of the alpha program.