Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
as ive stated before. a user here has been generous enough to donate a tv out cable for the cause. once i receive this i will start my TV Out project for the diamond. im quite convinced that its fully obtainable, as all my reading has led me to beleive that its USB data thats sent to the dongle (MyMobler works with a video output via USB data to the pc). the dongle handles the Conversion to RCA Video out and the audio is handled strictly by a pass through from the Audio pins directly to the Audio RCA. (like plugging in a 3.5mm to RCA converter into your mp3 player)
also i have seen numerous videos of HTC's unavailing of the diamond. this video shows them clearly using a tv out function to project the diamonds screen onto a projection display so that could show off the features on a big screen :P so you tell me. is it doable?? i think so
Great to hear your going to be working on this. I ordered a HTC cable to test this on Monday. I would love to work on this with you.
Let me know