Originally Posted by Malatesta
As far as the 6800: too little too late.
I mean it's a nice device and I'm sure 6700 users will be thrilled but I mean seriously:
- doesn't launch with WM6
- No front camera for vid conferencing? that's what RevA was all about
- 2mp camera? Should be 3mp by now.
- Still QVGA?
- No Built in GPS?
Wow, Malatesta, I going to have to argue with you on some of this.
Windows Moible 6.0...Yes it should have shipped with it, but it's nothing great. I sure wouldn't pass on a device because it didn't have it. WM6.0 just isn't much of an upgrade itself.
Video calling? Of all the people I know in the mobile world, I don't know a single one who uses video calling, other than to try it out. I definitely don't want to have to pay for that hardware on my device.
It's not megapixels that make a camera, it is the quality of the lens. I don't think we a going to see real quality lens in phones for awhile. Yes I know some phones by some stroke of luck put out not bad pictures, but for real quality we need good lens....again I don't want to have to pay for that kind of hardware on my phone. I think HTC realizes that is how most people feel so they don't put them in.
QVGA/VGA QVGA is pretty tight when you compare it to 3.5" screens that 320x240 was designed for. If you put VGA on a 2.8" screen the dot pitch has to be adjusted so that it is readable with the naked eye, and you are then back to where we started, but a bunch of resources have been wasted on it. You then have to do a reg hack to enable true VGA, and on that 2.8" screen you'll never read it without a magnifying glass. VGA just isn't a very viable, workable option on 2.8" screens
GPS, I don't really get it. It has AGPS built in just like pretty much every dumb phone on the planet today, why not go the rest of the route and make it a usable component on this device I have no idea. Its definitely a high end enough device to warrant it. It really should have GPS.