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Old 09-24-2008, 01:30 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by shark1987 View Post
Ok, so I am extremely happy with Sprint right now!!!

I sent them an email last night explaining that I bought the Mogul about a year ago from them but had all these problems with it (mainly bluetooth not working outdoors), then they swapped it out for a Touch when I requested it.

Then I said I paid full price for the Mogul (which I did) and for them to give me a phone (the Touch) with less features (no keyboard or wifi) without compensating me wasn't right, and I paid for a phone with the features of the Touch Pro. Plus the Touch is now $100 after rebates, and the Mogul is still $300.

So then they sent me back an email this morning saying that when the Touch Pro comes out on the 19th I can email them back and they will swap my Touch out for the Touch Pro free of charge!!!!

Hell yes!!! go me haha

I feel like my head is going to explode from the rush of energy I have. Which is good cause I have a test today at 3:30 lol.
wat was the emaill address? i want to do this 2
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