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Old 09-24-2008, 04:32 AM
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Re: Grumps Iphone By WoW (NO!!!! WA2 or WAD!)

Where can i get this lock,contact,lsearch exe files

Originally Posted by wowthatisrandom View Post
*********Update Contacts MOGUL/TOUCH ONLY********** if you want to use your "standard contacts" download HTC Random Access and link it to /windows/randomaccess.exe --Thanks to Playa_Made for testing and providing the link.

*** recommendation for images try s2v (slide2view) grab it HERE
*** recommendation for music player try s2p (slide2play) grab it HERE

***Updated Cab to work out of the box with Slide2Unlock2***
***Update! Check out Torx's New Icon Set for Iphone GREAT additional icons!! ICONS WILL NEED TO BE CONVERTED TO BMP USE ALPHA CONV (attached)

this is an exe that runs on top of your today screen and can be used all the time... i did not write this little app i got from mike who found it HERE... i just customized the buttons/images/links etc...

QVGA ONLY 240x320 resolution (sorry Treo users)
WORKS ON TITAN/MOGUL/6800 and TOUCH/VOGUE/6900 .. can be easily modified for 6700

requires apps ...

MemMaid optional ...
ContactManager (PocketCM)
and live search (Live Search for WM5/6) or from your phone browser
Palm messaging (its out there... find it)
Slide2Unlock2 (s2u2) v1.22 (no i dont update it everytime a new one comes out) (Newest Slide2unlock)
This is VERY easy to modify if you dont have the apps above

what butons do (open)...

Signal Bars === \Program Files\MemMaid\Memaid.exe (bars are accurate)
Lock === \Program Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe (EXTRA)
Calendar ===\Windows\calendar.exe
Pictures === \Windows\pimg.exe
Camera === \Windows\camera.exe
Calculator === \Windows\MobileCalculator.exe
Battery === \Windows\powerexe.exe
Browser === \windows\iexplore.exe
Contacts === \Program Files\PocketCM\PocketCM.exe (EXTRA)
Explorer === \Windows\fexplore.exe
Clock === \Windows\clock.exe
Solitaire === \Windows\solitare.exe
L Search ===\Program Files\Live Search\Live Search\Live Search.exe (EXTRA)
Phone === \Windows\cprog.exe
SMS === \Windows\messagingapp.exe (EXTRA)
Email === \Windows\tmail.exe
WMP ===\Windows\wmplayer.exe


And when u get missed call/email/sms you get an ! point in a red circle and the count replaces the words "Phone" "SMS" or "Email"

The cab also includes a Configurator for this app tap it to get the gui confg...

enjoy... if you want i can also post what changes need to be made to make this function on the 6700...


first thing you need to do is create a Config2.txt (number corresponds to page)

then follow the same way steps to assign links...

now in Config.txt(what page1 calls) for the 12th button it needs to look like this...

\Windows\Notes.exe ---opens notes
\Windows\clock.exe --- opens clock
\windows\settings.lnk ---opens settings (doesnt work for us)
Page2 --- Switches to page 2
\Windows\vtkey.exe ---etc
\Windows\tmail.exe ---etc
\Windows\tmail.exe--- etc

just the bottom few lines so u know where im pulling from u get the point

does tha make more sense?

Install Instructions for the N00bers

To install a program (thanks sagamoredad)

1. Download the zip
2. Extract the .cab file
3. Copy the cab file to your phone
4. Run the cab file and install it to main memory
5. Click OK, yes etc.
6. Look in program files and run "iphone" program.
7. Done
8. Enjoy

Now that we know how to install and app (cab file)

1.Install the Required Applications listed above *if you dont want palm threader - read below
2.Install the Grumps iphone theme by Wow in this post
3.Go to Start/Programs/and tap the iphone icon
4.Check to make sure all buttons work

*to use regular sms
1.follow all steps above minus testing that button clearly it wont work
2.exit out of the iphone theme
3.go to start\programs\iconfig
4.locate the sms button (should be bottom row 2nd column) the path line change it to "\Windows\tmail.exe" do NOT include the quotes
6.tap ok
7. reopen the iphone theme and test her out