Re: Custom OEM Requests ...Get them here! Updated: 9/22/08
I have tested the new Manila 2D Beta 0.08 and I must say that everything is working for me. YouTube was removed but that cab file is included, with the new patch cab, that is included in the needed files, YouTube does work. I installed almost everything in the needed files folder, the only thing I had a problem with is the volume control. Comm Manager needs a registry update to remove Wifi and add whatever (I chose Internet Sharing). I installed all these using SASHIMI. I am unsure if they would ALL work as OEMS, as I tried that with 0.07. Google Maps didnt work in the old, but worked fine installed with SASHIMI with 0.08. I could give the full list of cabs and the order I installed them, and even though the instructions ask for a soft reset or a restart, I didnt do that and everything is perfect.
A list of some fixes
YouTube works now (with ravens patch)
Google Maps works with installing the cab file
All Programs works
The Photo tab shows all photos now (even on storage card)
Music works fine (course it did in the old one too)