This is what you need to do. Can't take credits for this solution, as I found this here:
1. Download CE-Star 2.8 Suits for WM5
2. Extract the zip file and locate the sunglobe.ttf and wince.nls files
3. Copy these to your \Windows directory on your mobile device
4. In your WM5 registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ add a new key call FontLink. Then, under this newly added FontLink key add another key call SystemLink. You should now have the following in your registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\FontLink\Sys temLink
5. Now add the following 4 "String" values to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\FontLink\Sys temLink
Times New Roman \Windows\sunglobe.ttf,UniSun
Arial \Windows\sunglobe.ttf,UniSun
Courier New \Windows\sunglobe.ttf,UniSun
Tahoma \Windows\sunglobe.ttf,UniSun
6. Do a soft reset and you are done.