Originally Posted by Jarvis3
I have asked, just nobody answered.
I don't see TT7 available on their site and when you go to the maps area, there are only Euro maps available for TT7.
I bought TT6 and love it on my Mogul, but looking for something else for the new Diamond. The Tom Tom buddies is nice too when taking trips or having family traveling.
Im not gonna lie here.. I didnt pay for TT7.. But it most definitely is available, along with N/A maps, VGA support, and a nice theme for the diamond
And ill say this once, I contacted one of the only distributors of GPS PDA software in Canada and they dont sell or have any word on TT7. If it was available, I'd pay for it.. but don't expect me to purchase old software. (I tried TT6 and the POI's sucked!... but TT7 fixed that)