Originally Posted by Sailrace
OMJ....there's one thing missing from this latest ROM that i really liked on your previous carrier ROM's, and that is the 1% battery gauge. Is that something that would be easy to add? I've added quickmenu, and so far, i love it with Manilla.
I'm having some issue with Opera in that i can't get it to recognize anything other than numbers when i try to type in an address. it doesn't matter what the keyboard is set to (abc, XT9, or 123) the touch keyboard won't type letters into the address bar.
Anyone else experience this?
1% is in there.....click on the battery....when I installed Manilla2d over top of a 3.09 rom that had QM, the battery meter would not show in the upper right corner.
Anyone else using QM, get the battery % to show?
I just tested Opera....from Google, entered my home address, letters, numbers all worked fine....I'm using TouchPal3.5