Re: JD's Rom 2.6.1 CE OS 5.2.20273 (20273.1.3.3)
I'd really like to give this a try, but have run into a wall.
Issue: So I updated the SPL to nuespl 2.47, did a hard reset and started to flash. When I attempt to flash from my SD it goes to the bootloader screen. When I press cam, pwr, rst while in the bootloader, it will go to the grey loading screen, but I get a message that says "No Image Found."
I'm using the updated nueSPL 2.47, flashing from the sprint 6.1 rom with the newest radio. I've tried to flash it unpacking the RAR and renaming it TITAIMG.nbh and not unpacking it and renaming it.
Is it even possible to flash this from the SD? If so what am I doing/not doing that is causing this mess up?