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  #792 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2008, 06:47 PM
hadwood's Avatar
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Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen

Sorry to here about the rom issues. In my case I studied how to get back to the
original factory rom and tried that after being successful changing to no2chem 5067
kitchen builder installer package. Trying seperate roms and radios, etc. puts you at more risk and with a less stable device I have found. After loading the 240 loader
I loaded the radio and then used no2chem 5067 kitchen builder instlaller.
No one ever responded to my callls for help so I eventually got the phone to a good but
not perfect place. I also found recently there was a gps fix for this phone which does
work great. Having to reset every time just to wait for gps was a Pain..
So I am stopping for now until no2chem releases the next stable kithcen.
Good Luck,
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